For eighteen months it had been a complete rollercoaster of emotions – to say the least! There was a time where I tried to hide from the world. I couldn’t understand my own feelings, so how could anyone else? I could barely leave the house. I needed a change, a chance for myself and my daughter to have a better quality of life.

I was fortunate enough to secure a place on a six-month programme with WeMindTheGap. It was so hard adjusting to everything at first, however I surprisingly became comfortable very quickly. I gained experience in a variety of businesses to explore the kind of career I wanted to work towards. The opportunities were endless, and the six-months were life-changing.

So, I took everything I was offered with both hands. I learnt to reframe all my negative thoughts to positive ones and welcomed the opportunity to deliver a speech at our graduation, which I never thought I’d say! I felt privileged and overwhelmed to receive a standing ovation following my story of my struggles and strengths. I will forever cherish that moment. I have met so many amazing and inspiring people through WeMindTheGap, including my life coach who helped me vision a clear, bright and positive future.

“I love every aspect of my life; I love my bad days because that reminds me, I am human. Always love yourself and be happy.”

Now, I work for social services in my local council as a support worker for the elderly. I absolutely love my job. I have worked there for nearly nine months and I’m working towards studying Adult Nursing at University.

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