Since 2014, WeMindTheGap has focused on delivering their holistic WeGrow programmes to young women. These programmes have had real and lasting impacts on the lives of young people between the ages of 18 and 25.

100% of all graduates report that they now feel more in control of their lives and 91% of graduates feel they now have new choices in life. The graduates from the programme have felt their life has completely changed for the better.

One says,

The last six months have been an incredible journey for me. My health has improved dramatically, by taking more control and making better decisions. I feel so much more confident and positive about my future – I have one now!

The charity wants to deliver the same impacts and outcomes for young men, starting this year. WeMindTheGap will launch their pilot programme for young men in Greater Manchester in May. The programme will recruit 10 young men. Manchester’s team members Scott Tanswell and Christopher Bury will support the young men on this year’s programme as a Skipper and First Mate. They are there to provide dedicated support, structure and encouragement.

We are also running our programme for young women in Greater Manchester, using the Chamber of Commerce as a base for both cohorts.
This is WeMindTheGap’s full 12-month programme, comprising six-month’s paid work within different industry sectors, offered by employer partners in the local area. This is all followed by six-months’ dedicated support.

This is a huge step for the WeMindTheGap’s growth, allowing the team to begin to transform the lives of young men.

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